Tuesday 6. September 2022 at 18:30 to 21:00
Wednesday 31. August 2022 at 23:00
Spinderigade 11,
7100 Vejle
Spinderigade 11
7100 Vejle
New in Denmark? Or maybe you have lived here for years but are still wondering about those crazy Danes?
On September 6th we have invited Helen Russell to do a workshop /give a speech on Living Danishly.
From preconceptions about Denmark to first impressions on arrival (the price tag! the weather!); Danish work culture; making friends; Danish culture; the infamous hygge; Danish trust; equality; the great things about living Danishly…as well as the not so great things.
Let Newcomer Service Louise Nielsen know if you have any subjects you would like Helen to speak about at bosaetningsguide@vejle.dk.
Click to view the event location on Google Maps >