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Brainstorm on expat/repat offers in Vejle

Dato og tid

Torsdag d. 9. februar 2023 kl. 16:30 til 18:00


Torsdag d. 9. februar 2023 kl. 12:00


TBD , no name street, 7100 Vejle TBD
no name street
7100 Vejle

Brainstorm on expat/repat offers in Vejle


Calling internationals/repats in Vejle! 
We are planning a brainstorm on expat/repat offers in Vejle - to talk about what can be offered from Newcomer Service and which ideas could it be possible for the community to "run with" yourselves.
Let's meet and talk about ideas like a buddy program, workshops with professional information, social gatherings etc.
This is your chance to bring your ideas to the table... 
Sign up here - we will find a venue depending on how many joins! 